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  • Lydia Arzour

37% of european employees are stressed out

Can Spirituality be the solution?

An in-depth look at managing stress through spirituality in the workplace

In a world where employee stress levels have reached unprecedented heights, it has become crucial for opinion leaders, employees, and CEOs to find innovative and effective ways to manage this pressure. The “State of the Global Workplace 2024” report by Gallup provides valuable insights into the state of global employee mental health and highlights potential solutions. Among these, spirituality emerges as a powerful tool not only to manage stress but also to transform it into a positive force for well-being and organizational performance.

Employees engagement
Gallup Report ; State of the Global Workplace 2024

The current situation: Ubiquitous stress

According to the Gallup report, a staggering 41% of employees worldwide report experiencing significant stress. This alarming figure highlights a troubling global trend. Stress, sadness, anxiety, and anger are on the rise, reaching levels not seen since Gallup began its surveys.

The data also shows that those working in poorly managed environments are nearly 60% more likely to be stressed compared to those in well-managed settings. The consequences of this situation extend beyond the professional sphere, impacting employees’ personal lives and creating a vicious cycle of stress and discomfort.

Furthermore, the report reveals that 20% of employees experience daily loneliness, a figure that rises to 25% for fully remote workers. Well-being among younger employees (under 35) has notably declined, indicating a critical need for interventions tailored to this demographic.

Spirituality: A lever to transform stress

Often overlooked in discussions about workplace stress management, spirituality can play a crucial role. It offers a holistic perspective that goes beyond traditional solutions like wellness apps or stress management training, whose effectiveness has been questioned by recent studies from Oxford University.

Empathy and human connection: Spirituality encourages an empathetic and human-centered approach. By integrating spiritual practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and personal reflection, leaders can foster a work environment where employees feel understood and valued. This can significantly reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being.

Meaning and purpose: One of the keys to spirituality is finding meaning and purpose in work. When employees see their daily tasks as meaningful, they are more engaged and less likely to experience negative stress. The Gallup report indicates that employee engagement is a significant factor in overall life experiences. Engaged employees are less stressed and more satisfied with their lives.

Community and Support: Spiritual practices also strengthen the sense of community and mutual support. In an environment where solidarity and helping each other are valued, employees are more resilient to challenges and stress. The report emphasizes that work itself can decrease loneliness, a major stress factor, by providing meaningful social


Key figures from the Gallup study

  • 41% of employees report experiencing significant stress.

  • Employees in poorly managed environments are 60% more likely to be stressed.

  • 20% of employees experience daily loneliness, rising to 25% for fully remote workers.

  • 68% of employees in highly engaged business units report higher well-being.

  • Employee well-being among those under 35 dropped from 35% to 34% in 2023.

  • 54% of actively disengaged employees reported experiencing significant stress the previous day.

Practical recommendations

For CEOs and leaders:

  • Integrate spiritual practices into the workplace: Introduce meditation sessions, spiritual discussion circles, or collective reflection times to create an emotionally safe space.

  • Promote empathetic leadership: Train managers to adopt an empathetic leadership style that values active listening and emotional support.

For employees:

  • Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness, circle of sharing or even meditation can help manage daily stress and maintain focus despite pressures.

  • Seek Meaning: Identify aspects of work that resonate with personal values to transform the perception of work and reduce negative stress.

For opinion leaders:

  • Advocate for Spirituality in Business: Use platforms to promote the importance of spirituality in managing stress and enhancing workplace well-being.

Spirituality offers powerful tools to manage stress and transform it into a positive force for well-being and performance.

By adopting a holistic, empathetic, and purpose-driven approach, leaders, employees, and CEOs can not only reduce stress but also create more humane and resilient work environments. The figures from the Gallup 2024 report underscore the urgency of action and show that innovative and spiritual solutions can make a significant difference.

A call for action

As a specialist in integrating spirituality into business, I help opinion leaders and executives create environments that foster emotional safety and well-being.

By incorporating spiritual practices into your organization, you can transform stress into a positive force and enhance both employee satisfaction and organizational performance.

Reach me out to learn how we can bring these transformative practices to your workplace.

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