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  • Lydia Arzour

20% of Global Employees Feel Daily Loneliness

In a constantly evolving professional world, marked by the rise of remote work and hybrid work models, a worrying phenomenon is emerging: loneliness at work. While work is often perceived as a factor of social integration, for a growing part of the active population, it is becoming synonymous with isolation. According to the latest Gallup report on the state of the global workplace, 1 in 5 employees worldwilde feel lonely.

1 in 5 employees Worldwide feel lonely
Gallup’s new State of the Global Workplace: 2024 Report.

The Paradox of Remote

Work Remote work, once seen as a privilege, is now revealing its downsides. For many employees, the much-vaunted flexibility is accompanied by a sense of isolation. The informal exchanges, those coffee machine discussions or impromptu meetings that punctuated office days, have disappeared, giving way to interactions often limited to digital tools. While the latter have enabled work continuity during crises, they are now showing their limits.

The Gallup study highlights a striking fact: fully remote employees are more likely to feel lonely (25%) compared to those who work on-site (16%). This statistic is thought-provoking, as it shows that physical distance, even compensated by technological means, is not enough to recreate the social ties necessary for psychological well-being.

Loneliness, a Health Risk

Loneliness at work is not just an emotional discomfort; it poses a real health risk. Studies, such as the one conducted by Professor Lisa Berkman of Harvard, show that social isolation can double the risk of mortality. The mental health of employees is therefore directly threatened by the lack of social bonds in the professional setting.

This situation is even more worrying since work itself could be a remedy for loneliness. Indeed, the Gallup report indicates that active adults are less likely to feel lonely (20%) than those who are unemployed (32%). Work, whether performed on-site or remotely, plays a crucial role in structuring social relationships.

Reinventing Interactions at Work

Faced with this observation, it has become imperative for companies to rethink their management and interaction models. The simple implementation of digital communication tools is not enough; it is about creating spaces for authentic and regular exchanges, where employees can feel heard and supported.

Managers have a key role to play in this dynamic. More than ever, they must be trained to detect signs of distress in their colleagues and establish a culture of mutual support. This involves frequent exchanges, not only on professional objectives, but also on the personal well-being of employees.

Towards a Culture of Being at Work

Beyond simply well-being, it is time to reinvent the professional framework by guiding our companies towards a true culture of Being. This approach is based on the integration of spiritual principles, such as authenticity, vulnerability and benevolence, within human interactions. In a world where performance and efficiency are often established as dogmas, it is crucial to create spaces where employees can not only work, but also be fully themselves.

Towards Authentic Interactions

To establish a culture of Being, human interactions must be imbued with authenticity. This means encouraging each employee to share their emotions, concerns, and aspirations without fear of judgment. Creating safe spaces within the company, areas where one can be vulnerable, is essential. In these places, everyone must be able to set down their burdens, express their doubts and fears, and receive the necessary support to move forward.

The Crucial Role of Managers

Managers play a central role in this transformation. It is no longer just about leading teams towards the achievement of objectives, but about becoming guardians of speech, facilitators of sincere and taboo-free expression. Managers must be trained to collect the words of their colleagues, by creating discussion circles or mastermind groups. These regular dialogue spaces, where everyone can express themselves in complete safety, are precious moments to strengthen the bonds within the team.

Continuous Support and Strengthened Connections

Week after week, these discussion circles allow everyone to feel supported, to exchange with their peers, and to strengthen the human connections that constitute the true cement of a team. It is by offering this active listening, by valuing the human being behind the professional, that companies can truly evolve towards a culture of Being. This is not limited to superficial discussions, but engages the participants in a collective introspection, where personal experiences are used for individual and collective growth.

Spirituality at the Service of Work

Finally, integrating spiritual principles at the heart of management is to recognize that each individual needs to feel connected, not only to their work, but also to others. Such an approach not only transforms the internal dynamics of teams, but also revitalizes the engagement, creativity, and overall well-being of employees. It is by allowing everyone to be fully themselves, in all authenticity, that we succeed in building companies where work becomes not only a source of income, but also a path of personal and collective fulfillment.

This article explores the urgent need to rethink the culture of work to transform it into a culture of Being, where each employee can find a space for authentic expression, feel supported, and establish deep human connections.

By integrating these principles, companies can not only mitigate loneliness at work, but also create environments where everyone feels valued and able to thrive fully.

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