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  • Lydia Arzour

A lesson from the series “severance”

Dernière mise à jour : 4 août

The Apple TV+ series “Severance” takes the reflection on the separation between professional and personal life to the extreme. In this series, the employees of Lumon Industries undergo a procedure that splits their memories into two: a professional self and a personal self, each unaware of the other’s existence. This radical dissociation raises essential questions about our identity and our adaptation to the demands of the working world.

Source : Apple Tv

The Apple TV+ series “Severance” takes the reflection on the separation between professional and personal life to the extreme. In this series, the employees of Lumon Industries undergo a procedure that splits their memories into two: a professional self and a personal self, each unaware of the other’s existence. This radical dissociation raises essential questions about our identity and our adaptation to the demands of the working world.

Dissociation: symptomatic of trauma

The characters in “Severance” literally live two distinct lives. Their professional self and personal self never meet, illustrating a dissociation often observed in people who have experienced trauma. To protect themselves, a part of them may choose to voluntarily forget painful events, creating an internal division. This series reminds us that our body and mind retain the memory of these wounds, influencing our reactions and behaviors unconsciously.

The work environment: a cold and distant universe

The endless white corridors of Lumon Industries symbolize the requirement for some companies that employees leave their personal lives at the door. This sterile decor reflects a universe devoid of emotions, where the hypocrisy of “quality of life at work” initiatives is highlighted. Fruit breaks, music breaks, or talking circles seem hollow and ineffective because employees, cut off from their personal lives, have nothing genuine to share.

The quest for meaning and authenticity

“Severance” prompts us to ask crucial questions:

  • Why do we do what we do?

  • Who are we really?

Many companies force their employees to wear masks, sometimes compelling them to act against their own values. The series illustrates the fantasies of some managers who see their employees as productivity machines, ignoring their emotional and personal needs.

Reintegrating spirituality into the business world

As an expert in spirituality and business, I help opinion leaders and CEOs integrate concepts of spirituality into their organizations to create more harmonious and authentic workspaces. “Severance” shows us the importance of allowing employees to be themselves, find meaning in their work, and live in accordance with their values.

Practices for Authentic Transformation:

  1. Mindful awareness: Practice mindfulness to stay present and reduce the grip of the ego.

  2. Self-compassion: Cultivate self-compassion by accepting your imperfections and recognizing that they do not define your worth.

  3. Authentic expression: Embrace your true self by expressing your thoughts and feelings authentically, without seeking approval.

“Severance” is more than a series; it is a mirror of our own professional lives and our quest for authenticity.

By integrating spiritual practices into the business world, we can transform our companies into spaces where each individual feels valued, understood, and capable of fully contributing from their true self.

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