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  • Lydia Arzour

How to survive a toxic work environment?

Navigating a toxic work environment can be challenging, but these strategies can help you cope and protect your well-being.

Toxic workplace
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Here are some survival tips

1. Establish boundaries

Set clear limits on your time and energy. Define your work hours and stick to them. Avoid taking on extra tasks that encroach on your personal time. By protecting your personal space, you prevent work stress from spilling into your private life.

2. Seek social support

Surround yourself with a supportive network. Friends, family, and trusted colleagues can provide the emotional backing needed to cope with a toxic workplace. Sharing your experiences can alleviate stress and offer different perspectives.

3. Create a positive workspace

Personalize your workspace with items that bring joy and positivity. Create a more pleasant and motivating environment, serving as small reminders of positivity.

4. Keep perspective: Your job is just a job

Remind yourself that your job does not define your identity or worth. It’s a means to an end, not the end itself. This mindset can help reduce the emotional toll of a toxic environment.

5. Avoid Drama

Steer clear of office gossip and negative conversations. Engaging in drama only adds to the stress and negativity. Focus on your work and maintain a professional distance from toxic behavior.

6. Develop an exit strategy

If the situation becomes unbearable, plan your departure carefully. Update your resume, start job hunting discreetly, and save money to ensure a smooth transition when you decide to leave.

7. Focus on what you can decide

Direct your energy towards tasks and aspects of your job that you can influence. This helps you feel more empowered and less overwhelmed by the toxic elements that are beyond your control.

8. Look for the good

Identify and appreciate positive aspects and achievements in your work. Celebrating small victories can boost your morale and help maintain a more balanced view of your job.

9. Stay true to yourself

Maintain your integrity and values despite the toxic environment. Don’t compromise your principles for the sake of fitting in or avoiding conflict.

10. Take action

Proactively address issues by communicating constructively with colleagues and management. Suggest solutions and be assertive in expressing your concerns.

11. Involve your manager

Discuss your concerns with your manager and seek their support in resolving issues. A good manager should help create a healthier work environment.

12. Speak up

Assertively communicate your boundaries and expectations. Don’t be afraid to voice your concerns about toxic behavior or unfair treatment.

13. Build a support system

Foster relationships with individuals who understand your situation and can offer advice. Having a solid support system can make a significant difference.

14. Learn and move on

Gain insights from the experience and apply them to future situations. Use the lessons learned to better navigate and handle workplace challenges.

15. Leave If necessary

Sometimes the best solution is to find a new job in a healthier environment. Prioritize your well-being and don’t stay in a toxic situation out of fear or inertia.

16. Never take work home

Keep work stress at the office to maintain a work-life balance. Create a clear separation between your professional and personal life.

17. Protect yourself

Document incidents and interactions to protect yourself legally and professionally. Keeping detailed records can be crucial if you need to report issues or defend yourself.

18. Recover your mental health

Prioritize self-care practices like exercise, meditation, and hobbies. Taking care of your mental health is essential for long-term well-being.

19. Take breaks

Regularly step away from your work to recharge. Short breaks throughout the day can help reduce stress and increase productivity.

20. Ask for help

Seek professional guidance, such as therapy or counseling, if needed. Mental health professionals can provide strategies and support for coping with a toxic work environment.

21. Create an action plan

Outline steps to address the toxicity and improve your situation. Having a plan can give you a sense of direction and control.

22. Document everything

Keep detailed records of problematic interactions and incidents. Documentation can be vital for addressing grievances or protecting your rights.

23. Find an outlet for stress

Engage in activities outside of work that help you release stress. Hobbies, sports, and creative pursuits can provide a much-needed escape.

24. Get support

Leverage resources like HR or employee assistance programs for additional support. Don’t hesitate to use available resources to improve your work environment.

It’s time to go further : a call for clarity

This list traces all the advice you can find on the web to survive in a toxic environment. Now I’d like to draw your attention to a deeper level of understanding.

Why did you create this situation in your life?

Starting from the premise that what happens to you is exactly what you have created. You are the creator of this situation. Oh, I know your ego will react now and make you say “nonsense”, “this is rubbish, it’s not my fault I’m a victim of toxic people and environment”. This is normal, I understand your resistance to this idea, but I invite you to take a step back and observe this situation.

Can you simply accept that you created this situation? Could you tell me the benefits it brings you? I know it’s not easy, but there are necessarily benefits and I will give you some:

It gives you an opportunity to exist because you have to call upon resources you don’t know you have, which multiply… solidity, mental strength, resilience… see how positive this is, I add: the fight, justice, resilience…

You are reliving a past situation; your system knows this situation perfectly, otherwise believe me, you would be elsewhere in a peaceful environment. But you know what? Your system doesn’t know what a peaceful environment is; it’s a truth it hasn’t experienced. It’s a reality you know without having experienced it.

When you identify this part of you that is activated, when you take 100% responsibility, you will finally be able to stay or leave, but from the space that is most right for you and not in reaction or flight.

You will finally be able to get out of this emotion and act consciously, “I don’t feel like I belong here, this is not what I want, and I am grateful for life showing me this.” Understand that behind these words there is no fear, no dread, just a state of being of love and awareness of where you are, in awareness of yourself, and ready to create the situation and job of your dreams, without ever looking back.

This is how I work with ; the answer is within them, hidden behind an ego mask, the one that fears dying, while the being is simply alive.

Just LOVE what it is

Accept the love that you are

BY Anissa Lalahoum

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