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  • Lydia Arzour

Why the big quit is a huge opportunity ?

We hear a lot about the big quit, it would land in France. Around 470,000 French people left their permanent jobs in the first quarter of the year, 20% more than at the end of 2019. In the United States, nearly 48 million Americans have packed their bags for 2021, which is what gave the name to the “Big Quit”.

I won’t go back over the reasons already mentioned in many articles. Many companies are no longer able to keep their employees and have decided to take initiatives to retain them. Let’s face it, remuneration is still a good way to try and keep an employee, but it’s no longer enough. Some companies have even become training schools.

They train employees who will not hesitate to resign in order to take 10K more elsewhere… The happiness manager no longer sells, benevolence is a catch-all word that is displayed as a value, is not embodied… in short, what if this great resignation was nothing more or less than the desire to adhere to something else… to adhere to something bigger than ourselves…

From the loss of meaning to the gain of the meaning of being

I consider this big quit to be an incredible opportunity to create the new membership. A contract between self and self, with unlimited clauses. What do I really want? What makes me tick? and who do I want to be? This urge to become who we are is not new, it has always been in us. We have been confined, we have (finally) found ourselves … because we had forgotten our deepest nature … the love that we are, the love of who we are … our deepest nature.

If we have resigned from what we were doing, it is perhaps because we have decided to adhere to “what we are”. Our “inner state”.

This reality experienced by every human being. The latter has remembered this state during this global (being) confinement. It is no longer our “duty to do” that drives us, but our “duty to be”… who we truly are, our essence. It is from this new space that many people have decided to answer this inner call. A call from the heart, a call to live one’s deepest nature, a call to simply observe oneself and answer this call. There was nothing to do, just to remember…. The work and its common definition is no longer in this new space. It is the work that counts, the one that each one will decide to carry out, whatever the work (its realization), it will be right because what counts is the way the inner state will welcome it.

We serve ourselves, others and the world.

The great membership

This great membership is an opportunity for all of humanity. It allows many people to act but above all to be from this new space. The one that is inside and that, once recognised, will act outwards, will push us to embody what we are.

The limit no longer exists, the being regains its sovereignty and will respond to this inner call. From there, the most beautiful creations that serve the world, whatever the scale of value (scale up or artisans), will be born, every day, every second, for the greater good of all.

The trick now is not to know what to do, but simply to be able to recognise what we are and how to use it.

This is what the company of tomorrow will have to integrate, the right of each person to be his or her deepest nature and to offer fertile ground to enable him or her to serve himself or herself, to serve others and finally to serve the world.

Let’s be who we are, let’s become who we want to be

Everthing is here !

Contact me today to learn how you can transform your leadership and cultivate an organizational culture that stands the test of time.

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