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  • Lydia Arzour

Rethinking management for real impact

Moving Beyond the Illusion of Benevolence at Work

The Myth of “Soft Skills”

In the professional world, a persistent issue hampers employee well-being despite human resources efforts. Burnout, repeated sick leaves, and employment litigation are alarming symptoms. It’s time to confront reality: toxic management exists, highlighted by the increasing use of the term “manipulative perverse manager”.

Toxic manager in workplace
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The Myth of “Soft Skills”: Often, “soft skills” are used to mask individual deficiencies or real competencies. Rather than categorizing and excusing, it’s crucial to understand the underlying reasons for problems. Recruitment must go beyond soft skills, especially in management.

Confronting the problem head-On

The fear of legal consequences prevents some companies from seriously addressing burnout. However, burnout affects individuals holistically, beyond the professional environment. We are all unique beings shaped by our past, emotions, and beliefs, which don’t vanish once we enter the workplace. Example: An employee struggles with personal issues impacting their work. The company overlooks this, leading to decreased productivity, conflicts with colleagues, and eventually the employee’s prolonged sick leave

A radical change needed

To genuinely improve the situation, a radical change is necessary. Initiatives like recreational facilities or flexible hours are insufficient to address deep-rooted issues. A true “pact” between the company and its employees is needed. Example: A company adopts an innovative approach to employee well-being management. It organizes training sessions on emotional communication and stress management, fostering free emotional expression within the team.

Establishing a trustful environment

Creating a trustful environment is key to encouraging open dialogue among employees. Before starting their workday, they are invited to share their emotional state without using the word “fine,” promoting authenticity and empathy.

Example: Each morning, a team gathers for a brief emotional sharing session. One employee shares feeling stressed due to personal life difficulties, while another is motivated by a new professional challenge. This practice strengthens their mutual understanding and collective support.

Working on mindset

It’s essential to change how reality is perceived in a company. Turning every negative word into a positive one positively impacts the collective mindset. Accepting and constructively managing emotions is challenging but contributes to profound and lasting change. Example: When a project is delayed, instead of panicking and blaming, the team adopts a positive approach. They view the delay as an opportunity to refine the project to fully meet client needs.

Recognition and gratitude

Recognition and gratitude are vital pillars of a fulfilling work environment. Expressing recognition for colleagues’ positive actions fosters a strong team spirit and enhances a sense of belonging to the company. Example: Daily, the team highlights a colleague’s achievements. They thank them for support in an important meeting, extra efforts on a project, or maintaining a positive attitude during tough times.

It’s imperative to move beyond the illusion of benevolence at work and acknowledge the existence of toxic management. For real impact, companies must commit to radical change by creating a trustful climate, working on the collective mindset, and promoting mutual recognition.

Adopting these approaches can create a healthy and fulfilling work environment for all employees.

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