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  • Lydia Arzour

Beating technostress: the surprising spiritual hack every leader needs

In our constantly evolving world, technology plays a central role, transforming not only our working methods but also our mental and physical well-being. For leaders, especially in SMEs, this dual facet of technology presents both challenges and opportunities. Let’s analyze these complex effects to better understand how to navigate this digital environment.

Womance dealing with the pressures of technostress
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The Negative Effects of Technology

Technostress: a modern plague

The intensive use of information and communication technologies (ICT) can cause what is known as technostress. This form of stress, directly linked to the use of technology, manifests as increased anxiety, mental and physical fatigue, and constant pressure to stay updated. Leaders, often at the forefront of this digital revolution, are particularly vulnerable. Their role demands mastery of ICT, which can lead to cognitive overload and overall health repercussions.

Work-life imbalance: A blurred line

Hyperconnectivity and remote work, facilitated by modern technologies, have a downside: they blur the boundaries between professional and personal life. A recent study shows that 84% of employees struggle to maintain this balance, with 41% specifically citing this imbalance as a source of stress. For leaders, this situation is exacerbated by increased responsibilities and expectations of constant availability, creating a conducive environment for burnout.

Productivity decline: The technological paradox

It is paradoxical to note that technology, intended to enhance productivity, can actually decrease it when not managed properly. 42% of employees report a productivity drop due to stress, anxiety, and depression related to excessive technology use. For leaders, this translates to personal inefficiency and a decline in team performance, affecting the entire organization.

The positive potential of technology

Support tools: A universal desire

Despite these challenges, technology also offers promising solutions. An overwhelming 83% of employees worldwide want their company to provide technologies to support their mental health. Self-service resources, on-demand counseling services, and wellness applications can play a crucial role in stress management and mental well-being promotion. For leaders, this means not only personal support but also a tool to maintain their team’s health.

Stress management aid: Innovation serving well-being

Artificial intelligence and other innovative technologies offer solutions for more effective stress management. For example, guided meditation apps, relaxation programs, or mental health tracking platforms can help leaders better manage their stress. These tools can provide personalized recommendations and early interventions to prevent burnout.

Democratization of resources: Access for All

The association between sciences, data, and technologies democratizes access to mental health resources, making them available to all employees, including leaders. This democratization is essential to creating an inclusive work environment and supporting overall well-being. Companies can thus offer training, workshops, and accessible resources to all, fostering a culture of support and well-being.

The need for more humanity and human connections

Beyond technological solutions, we have a fundamental need to reintroduce more humanity into our professional lives. Spiritual tools such as talking circles, recognition, thought management, and emotion management are powerful means of strengthening human connections at work. Unfortunately, these aspects are often overlooked in workplace quality of life solutions. Creating an environment where employees feel seen, heard, and valued is crucial for their well-being. Talking circles offer a space for sharing and support, recognition strengthens the sense of belonging, and thought and emotion management helps maintain a positive and balanced mindset.

Navigating wisely in a digital world

Technology, with its complex effects, presents both challenges and opportunities for the mental and physical health of leaders. To maximize benefits and minimize disadvantages, it is crucial to adopt a thoughtful and strategic approach. Companies must prioritize mental health, invest in suitable technological solutions, and encourage open communication on these issues.

As leaders, it is essential to recognize and manage technostress, not only for ourselves but also for our teams. By using technology consciously and in balance, we can turn these challenges into opportunities to create a more human and productive work environment.

As an expert in spirituality and business, I specialize in guiding leaders towards more peace and escapism within their companies. Together, we can build organizations where well-being and performance go hand in hand, through an approach that integrates technology and humanity.

I’m Lydia Arzeour an expert in spirituality and business, I explore the intersection between technology, well-being, and organizational performance.

My writings aim to inspire leaders to adopt more balanced and mindful work practices.

Sources :

  • A global study by Oracle & Workplace Intelligence on AI in the workplace

  • An article on a study by Oracle and Workplace Intelligence regarding AI and mental health at work

  • A survey on mental health in the workplace and the impact of managers by the Workforce Institute of UKG

  • An academic article on the perception of leaders’ health

  • A book chapter on technostress among SME leaders

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