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  • Lydia Arzour

Burnout is primarily personal

Deep dive into an inner collapse :

In our relentless pursuit of success and performance, we often overlook an essential truth: burnout is primarily an internal crisis. While our external environment can exacerbate our stress and fatigue, it is fundamentally a personal failure that manifests. Understanding this internal dimension is crucial to overcoming this modern scourge.

Burnout is primarily personal
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An Inner Collapse

Burnout, or professional exhaustion, is much more than mere physical fatigue. It is an erosion of the soul, a collapse of our inner balance. Our thoughts, emotions, and energies are deeply affected, plunging us into a state of distress that is difficult to express. As Michael Gungor aptly put it,

“Burnout is what happens when you try to avoid being human for too long”​ (Quote Ambition)​.

The Impact of the Environment

Although burnout is mainly a personal crisis, our environment plays an undeniable role. Unrealistic expectations, overwhelming workloads, and toxic corporate cultures can precipitate our collapse. However, it is essential to recognize that these external factors are merely catalysts. The true cause of burnout lies within ourselves.

Eva Selhub, MD, highlights that “Burnout isn’t like a headache or a sore muscle that can be treated with a pill or a massage. It is more complex and requires deeper care and support”​ (Ineffable Living)​.

A Personal Rebirth

To overcome burnout, it is imperative to turn inward, reassess our priorities, and reconnect with our core essence. This journey of healing requires time, patience, and, most importantly, an awareness of our own limits.

In this process, spirituality can play a crucial role. It helps us find a deeper meaning in our existence, cultivate inner peace, and develop resilience in the face of external challenges. Integrating spiritual practices into our professional daily life can transform our approach to work, emphasizing well-being and harmony over mere performance.

My Personal Experience

A few years ago, I went through the ordeal of burnout myself. It was a time of profound distress, where each day seemed like an insurmountable battle. But it was also a period of transformation. I took the time to heal, reconnect with myself, and redefine my priorities.

“Burnout is the most beautiful experience I have ever had in my life; it allowed me to meet myself.”

When I returned to my company, I came back stronger than before. I had a new awareness of my capabilities and limits. I learned to integrate spirituality into my work, creating spaces of peace and harmony. This experience not only allowed me to overcome burnout but also strengthened my professional power and clarity of mind.

Today, I stand before you not as a victim of burnout but as a survivor, a conscious and resilient leader. I encourage you all to take care of yourselves, listen to your inner needs, and cultivate peace in every aspect of your life. By healing our inner selves, we can truly transform our environment and positively impact the world around us.

As Arianna Huffington said, “We live in a culture that doesn’t really understand or respect burnout. We all soak in this belief that exhaustion is weak and that we all need to just buck up and be a little bit less lazy”​

(BrainyQuote)​. Additionally, Hamza Khan states, “Burnout is the symptom; stress is the source”​ (Ineffable Living)​.

These quotes deeply resonate with my experience and underscore the importance of recognizing and addressing burnout as a personal crisis that requires holistic attention and care. By taking care of ourselves, we can not only overcome burnout but also emerge stronger and more resilient.

And let’s not forget the ironic truth of our modern work culture:

“If you’ve never experienced burnout, it means you’ve failed in your professional life.” Lydia Arzour Tordjman

This satirical take highlights the unhealthy work ethic that equates extreme stress and overwork with professional success, reminding us of the urgent need to redefine what true achievement means.

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