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  • Lydia Arzour

Are You Spiriphobic?

Definition of spiriphobia

Spiriphobia is the tendency to reject anything associated with spirituality, considering it unscientific or irrational.

Source: Joke van Neerven via Marc Van Neerven on LinkedIn, thank you for inspiring this article.

A man who is afraid of spirituality
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A Personal view of spirituality

I believe we are eternal, multidimensional souls experiencing human life. Spirituality and materiality are often seen as opposites, but in reality, they coexist. Every human being carries both light and shadow within them, which form their spiritual dimension within their material life.

I have great love for people with different beliefs, those who are searching and who do not always understand what is happening to them but are seeking answers. I have compassion for what they are going through.

Scientists and the unknown

The greatest scientists acknowledge that there are still many mysteries to explore and discoveries to be made. Some recognize the existence of a force greater than humanity, while others believe in God or do not.

Different levels of awakening

What I observe is that we are not all at the same level of awakening, and we go through this existence with varying degrees of consciousness.

A personal quest since childhood

Since the age of seven, I have questioned the meaning of life, seeking answers to many “whys.” I learned to ask “how” instead of “why,” and I have experienced truths in my material life.

What is most important to me today is to support leaders and opinion makers who wish to have a positive impact on the world and leave a legacy for others to benefit from. For example, I recently supported a leader who was struggling to achieve something. He discovered that the hardest part is not fighting others to get what you want, but going through the inner chaos to get what you deserve. He changed his inner stance to gain clarity and decide what was truly important to him.

The quest for happiness

Today, I am becoming more and more aware of life. Every day is a new opportunity to know myself and question what I think I know. I have understood that I am experiencing my beliefs. I believe it is possible to live in peace, in the love that we are, regardless of our skin color, origins, religion, beliefs, or appearance. We all have the right to be fully ourselves.

Everyone seeks happiness and joy. Personally, I have never met anyone who is tired of being too happy, having too much money, having a loving family, or being in good health.

Are spiriphobic happy?

Are spiriphobes happy? I think some are, and some are not. But I invite those who are happy to allow those who are not to realize and live the life they have always dreamed of.

Supporting leaders

I have stopped trying to convince anyone of anything.

What drives me the most is supporting those leaders who want more, who aspire to more peace, and who want to create new societies.

In my articles, you will find my views on spirituality and business.

And you? Would you say you are spiriphobic?

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